Configuring the Chat Buffer
By default, CodeCompanion provides a "chat" strategy that uses a dedicated Neovim buffer for conversational interaction with your chosen LLM. This buffer can be customized according to your preferences.
You can define or override the default keymaps to send messages, regenerate responses, close the buffer, etc. Example:
strategies = {
chat = {
keymaps = {
send = {
modes = { n = "<C-s>", i = "<C-s>" },
close = {
modes = { n = "<C-c>", i = "<C-c>" },
-- Add further custom keymaps here
The keymaps are mapped to <C-s>
for sending a message and <C-c>
for closing in both normal and insert modes.
Variables are placeholders inserted into the chat buffer (using #
). They provide contextual code or information about the current Neovim state. For instance, the built-in #buffer
variable sends the current buffer’s contents to the LLM.
You can even define your own variables to share specific content:
strategies = {
chat = {
variables = {
["my_var"] = {
---Ensure the file matches the CodeCompanion.Variable class
---@return string|fun(): nil
callback = "/Users/Oli/Code/my_var.lua",
description = "Explain what my_var does",
opts = {
contains_code = false,
Slash Commands
Slash Commands (invoked with /
) let you dynamically insert context into the chat buffer, such as file contents or date/time.
The plugin supports providers like telescope
, mini_pick
, fzf_lua
and snacks
(as in snacks.nvim). Please see the Chat Buffer usage section for full details:
strategies = {
chat = {
slash_commands = {
["file"] = {
-- Location to the slash command in CodeCompanion
callback = "",
description = "Select a file using Telescope",
opts = {
provider = "telescope", -- Other options include 'default', 'mini_pick', 'fzf_lua', snacks
contains_code = true,
You can also add your own slash commands:
strategies = {
chat = {
slash_commands = {
["git_files"] = {
description = "List git files",
---@param chat CodeCompanion.Chat
callback = function(chat)
local handle = io.popen("git ls-files")
if handle ~= nil then
local result = handle:read("*a")
chat:add_reference({ content = result }, "git", "<git_files>")
return vim.notify("No git files available", vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = "CodeCompanion" })
opts = {
contains_code = false,
Credit to @lazymaniac for the inspiration.
You can also point the callback to a lua file that resides within your own configuration
Agents and Tools
Tools perform specific tasks (e.g., running shell commands, editing buffers, etc.) when invoked by an LLM. You can group them into an Agent and both can be referenced with @
when in the chat buffer:
strategies = {
chat = {
agents = {
["my_agent"] = {
description = "A custom agent combining tools",
system_prompt = "Describe what the agent should do",
tools = {
-- Add your own tools or reuse existing ones
tools = {
["my_tool"] = {
description = "Run a custom task",
callback = function(command)
-- Perform the custom task here
return "Tool result"
When users introduce the agent @my_agent
in the chat buffer, it can call the tools you listed (like @my_tool
) to perform tasks on your code.
The callback
option for a tool can also be a CodeCompanion.Tool
object, which is a table with specific keys that defines the interface and workflow of the tool.
You can change the appearance of the chat buffer by changing the
table in your configuration:
display = {
chat = {
-- Change the default icons
icons = {
pinned_buffer = " ",
watched_buffer = "👀 ",
-- Alter the sizing of the debug window
debug_window = {
---@return number|fun(): number
width = vim.o.columns - 5,
---@return number|fun(): number
height = vim.o.lines - 2,
-- Options to customize the UI of the chat buffer
window = {
layout = "vertical", -- float|vertical|horizontal|buffer
position = nil, -- left|right|top|bottom (nil will default depending on vim.opt.plitright|vim.opt.splitbelow)
border = "single",
height = 0.8,
width = 0.45,
relative = "editor",
opts = {
breakindent = true,
cursorcolumn = false,
cursorline = false,
foldcolumn = "0",
linebreak = true,
list = false,
numberwidth = 1,
signcolumn = "no",
spell = false,
wrap = true,
---Customize how tokens are displayed
---@param tokens number
---@param adapter CodeCompanion.Adapter
---@return string
token_count = function(tokens, adapter)
return " (" .. tokens .. " tokens)"
Currently the plugin only supports native Neovim diff or mini.diff
If you utilize the @editor
tool, then the plugin can update a given chat buffer. A diff will be created so you can see the changes made by the LLM.
There are a number of diff settings available to you:
display = {
diff = {
enabled = true,
close_chat_at = 240, -- Close an open chat buffer if the total columns of your display are less than...
layout = "vertical", -- vertical|horizontal split for default provider
opts = { "internal", "filler", "closeoff", "algorithm:patience", "followwrap", "linematch:120" },
provider = "default", -- default|mini_diff
User and LLM Roles
The chat buffer places user and LLM responses under a H2
header. These can be customized in the configuration:
strategies = {
chat = {
roles = {
---The header name for the LLM's messages
---@type string|fun(adapter: CodeCompanion.Adapter): string
llm = function(adapter)
return "CodeCompanion (" .. adapter.formatted_name .. ")"
---The header name for your messages
---@type string
user = "Me",
By default, the LLM's responses will be placed under a header such as CodeCompanion (DeepSeek)
, leveraging the current adapter in the chat buffer. This option can be in the form of a string or a function that returns a string. If you opt for a function, the first parameter will always be the adapter from the chat buffer.
The user role is currently only available as a string.
Markdown Rendering
As the Chat Buffer uses markdown as its syntax, you can use popular rendering plugins to improve the UI:
ft = { "markdown", "codecompanion" }
lazy = false,
opts = {
preview = {
filetypes = { "markdown", "codecompanion" },
ignore_buftypes = {},
Additional Options
There are also a number of other options that you can customize:
display = {
chat = {
intro_message = "Welcome to CodeCompanion ✨! Press ? for options",
show_header_separator = false, -- Show header separators in the chat buffer? Set this to false if you're using an external markdown formatting plugin
separator = "─", -- The separator between the different messages in the chat buffer
show_references = true, -- Show references (from slash commands and variables) in the chat buffer?
show_settings = false, -- Show LLM settings at the top of the chat buffer?
show_token_count = true, -- Show the token count for each response?
start_in_insert_mode = false, -- Open the chat buffer in insert mode?